Every month there is parents meeting in our working areas. Most of the mothers attend in our monthly parents meeting and try to understand the usefulness of education. What the mothers don’t understand our staffs try to make them aware about their children education and their family maintenance. Moreover, when we arrange the meeting, there present the other caste of people and a few good people and they also try to make them understand about their situation in the society and they can share themselves with us very cordially.
The main objective of this issue is to make aware the parents about their children’s future development and the same time how their family should know about the usefulness of education.
Girls Gathering:
In each of the monthly girls gathering, DHRUBA tries to make aware to our girls about education, personal hygienic, culture and self sharing with others. We try to hire the elite person, the Govt. Officials, and the Professionals to show our girls so that they can make a dream. Our plan is not to make them aware about their dream but also to become practically.
The main motto of this girls’ gathering is to make a good understanding among all the girls from different villages. The girls can share their views and learn the girls’ capability.